Community => General Chat => Topic started by: phil48 on December 28, 2020, 17:42:38
Well here is info on the model you own.. would have taken me ages to post info on all the models in every section so you can now sort it yourself by clicking on the one you own.. once you have selected the model select the year and generation [if more than one ] for more info on things like torque values fluids oil types and servicing items etc look at the scroll down bar to the right of the main page..
Neat link :)
/me searches for Ioniq - comes up flat :(
Neat link :)
/me searches for Ioniq - comes up flat :(
Pleased that I can help in some small way.. 8)
Well here is info on the model you own.. would have taken me ages to post info on all the models in every section so you can now sort it yourself by clicking on the one you own.. once you have selected the model select the year and generation [if more than one ] for more info on things like torque values fluids oil types and servicing items etc look at the scroll down bar to the right of the main page..
Great, thanks very much. Typical though. I've just posted asking if anyone knows where I can find a service interval sheet I find your link to service info, including the intervals!
Thanks for that.
Pleased its helped you djrose007 8)
Neat link :)
/me searches for Ioniq - comes up flat :(
I will keep my eye out for you.. must be the info you want somewhere.. this is a EV / hybrid..
Neat link :)
/me searches for Ioniq - comes up flat :(
Got some TSB's for the car..
Nice one Phil - a bit Americanny, but useful.
I will keep my eye out for more.. 8)
Proud ownwer of ioniq 5 ultimate(tec). How do other members who own this car feel about it. I have never driven a car like this before. it is so different to all the rest.
Hello.... 🥳
Not my first 'Hi n Dry', had a Pony 1.5Auto sal. LonnngggAgo 😮
Popped down to Leeds on my birthday, 4 July, and collected my 06 Getz 1.4GSi 5sp.
3 owners @ 63k.... And a clean MOT history.
Nice gunmetal met.... Not seen one in this colour.
I traded out my '98 Swift 5dr 1.0i Auto... YES >> there was some difference on the 105miles home from the way down 🤣🤣
Has a full service history and I'm going to Zero it out = oil/filter/airfilter/plugs.
What I DON'T know.... Cam belt 😧?
Get my tame mechanic to sort that 👍🛠️
Looking forward to reading other people's postings and, if anyone might be interested, I'll keep things updated with mine 🚙💨
(https://i.ibb.co/1Z4pddy/IMG-20230704-164411.jpg) (https://ibb.co/1Z4pddy)
Wow .. Hi John long time no see.. hope you and the family are well .. please do keep us updated by all means 8) and don't forget to read the Getz section posts..
MOT time..... Had the old girl since 04.07.23!
.... At least we know* the horn is working 🤣
MOT time..... Had the old girl since 04.07.23!
.... At least we know* the horn is working 🤣
Lol ..John good luck with the MOT.. ;D
Stormed it, Phil....😎
Horns are here toot-toot....
Stormed it, Phil....😎
Horns are here toot-toot....
Congrats on a further 12 months MOT.. were there any advisories :)
YT06 FLG.....
Check the online MOT access portal >>>
Clean as a Whistle 💯⭐
OK.... Hyundai is gonned 😯
..... I just had to have an Auto so, via Auto trader, I grabbed a 60k minty 08 Astra 1.8 Estate 👍♥️
(https://i.ibb.co/wYJZXpF/IMG-20240801-172903.jpg) (https://ibb.co/wYJZXpF)
Bye folks...