Community => General Chat => Topic started by: Vaipetr on February 24, 2025, 13:47:54

Title: Diagnostics Tool suggestions
Post by: Vaipetr on February 24, 2025, 13:47:54
Hello All,

I do have the basic ELM327 type OBD2 reader to check basis sensor data and reset codes.

But looking for something more capable to be able to do things like code diesel injectors and stuff.

I do have a friend with TopDon's Topscan dongle that can code the injectors for me this time round, but am considering getting a similarly capable programming tool myself. The thing with Topscan after buying the dongle then you have to have the Pro subscription for $99/year in order to have full access. And I'm barely likely to use it again in a years time.

Are there any not too expensive alternative programing tools that wouldn't need a subscription?
What do you guys use for your Hyundais?
Title: Re: Diagnostics Tool suggestions
Post by: phil48 on February 26, 2025, 15:02:17
Have a look at iCarsoft products.. many do favour them for Kia/Hyundai..
Title: Re: Diagnostics Tool suggestions
Post by: Ruperts Trooper on February 26, 2025, 20:49:17
I can recommend Gendan's products but they aren't cheap
Title: Re: Diagnostics Tool suggestions
Post by: Vaipetr on March 07, 2025, 16:44:46
I can recommend Gendan's products but they aren't cheap

Thanks, as I understand the 1st link is for a scanning/programming tool and 2nd one for just a ELM327 type scanner?