Hi Lukert14,
Couple of things to consider;
if Hyundai fit new pads they will also service the calipers normally i.e. check they are clean and work effectively, yes it does cost more than an independent.
If an independent fits them ensure they are going to clean the calipers as well and then see what the actual price difference is.
The reason I say this because having had 4 Hyundai cars still own 3 I have once used an independent for a set of pads, like you i had a pair of tyres fitted and the pads were low so I got them to fit a new set was around £90. When i went for my next service some 3-4 months later (at the Hyundai dealer) one of the calipers was sticking and the pad had worn the disk so ended up having to get pads and disk on the car, so ended up a false economy.