Advice on using Call Hyundai First Aftercare for a 'minor' insurance claim

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Offline GreenHyundai

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I've experienced a minor accident due to another vehicle reversing into me. Cosmetic damage only to the surround of the daytime running light, passenger side.

This was the other vehicle's fault (I was stationary). My question is whether this is something that Hyundai First will handle just like any other claim?

Many thanks!


Offline I30Sean

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Hi I used them once for my daughters car when she had a small accident, they were quick to pick up the car and provide a hire car but that was it they really dragged their heals waiting for assessor and they simply communicate with your own insurance company (they are a middle man making money from claims) ended up just calling our own insurance and they sorted it within 2 weeks (we had already waited 2 weeks with Hyundai assist.
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